Sunday, October 26, 2014

Adventures in Character Animation 2!

Hello, everyone! This post is all about my month in Character Animation 2!

First off, I loved this class, and I absolutely hate animating. Well I did, until this class. Our first project was to show a change in emotion during a scenario we picked. I chose to do a vending machine where the candy got stuck. I went about this thinking, "How would I react if no one was watching and harming a machine was legal?", thus the idea was born!

The above pose was one of my favorites I came up with that could actually be used. Many times throughout this month I came up with things that were just not good, and that happened simply because I was having way too much fun with this rig. Many many MANY hilarious faces were made during this month, but there isn't enough room on this blog for all of them. So now time for the final product!

My next project was to do a lip sync using audio clips provided. I chose one I had never heard before and just went with it. It was more difficult to do this one in my opinion, especially because I chose to do a turn in mine. More weird faces were made as well as the mistake below.

I had accidentally tried to rotate the spine and forgot I had every control on the spine selected. Anyway! Now to show you the final product of my second animation! 

Thank you for reading and watching! Be sure to come back and see my future projects!

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